
Architect and urban planner based in Macau since 2003, he spreads his practice through architectural design, teaching and research.

He studied in Lisbon and Milan having graduated in Architecture and Urban Planning by the Lisbon Faculty of Architecture, with a Post-graduation in Architectural Theory, a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Urbanism, and currently a PhD candidate in Urbanism, writing his thesis about the phenomena of urban space appropriation in Macau.

Senior Lecturer at the University of Saint Joseph in Macau, Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a frequent speaker and juror internationally. He founded and directs the Macau based CURB · Center for Architecture and Urbanism.

Currently the Vice President, Zone C, of ARCASIA, he’s a Member of the Board of Directors of the Architects Association of Macau, the Coordinator of the Cities and Territories Working Group of the Congress of Portuguese Speaking Architects (CIALP), a Member of the UIA Education Commission and of the UNESCO-UIA Validation Council for Architectural Education.

As principal of his own office URBAN PRACTICE, he develops projects ranging from the urban scale, to architecture and design, both in Macau and abroad. Winner of the competition for design and curatorship of the Macau Pavilion at the 2013 SZHK Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture (Shenzhen) and selected to participate at 2014 Venice Biennale of Architecture with the installation “The Added Layer” in the Macau pavilion.